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ZC-ELASTOFALT is a high performance, ready to use, cold applied, single component, and elastomeric high build liquid waterproofing membrane, based on Aliphatic Polyurethane modified bitumen emulsion. ZC-ELASTOFALT forms a seamless, highly elastic and durable film that adheres well to most of the common substrates e.g. concrete, cement blocks, wood, existing roof felts.
ZC-ELASTOFALT is highly resistant to chlorides and sulphates commonly present in the soil. It is also highly UV resistant
All surfaces should be sound, clean and free of contaminants. Absorbent surfaces e.g. concrete should preferably be dampened with water. In kitchens, toilets and other wet areas all the openings should be properly sealed. On all weak points such as cracks or around the pipes use a woven fibre glass mesh as reinforcement between the two coats of ZC- ELASTOFALT
ZC- ELASTOFALT can be applied by brush, roller or squeegee. Hot, dry or very porous substrate should be dampened with clean water prior to application of ZC- ELASTOFALT. When two or more coats are required, ensure that the preceding coat is fully dry before applying the successive coat, which should b e applied at right angle to proceeding coat. ZC- ELASTOFALT also acts as a non-degradable curing membrane; hence it may be applied immediately after the removal of mould, to the concrete structure, which has no aesthetic value such as the sub structure of the building.